p a r t n e r s

Searching for a partner, supporteror simply a follower? I'm always on therun of entering partnerships with unique up-coming projects and blogs. If you do so to, I'm pleased to ask you to fill the application schedule out or contact me via Stardoll, YouTube or Tumblr (all contact datescan bew viewn on here). 

a p p l i c a t i o n  s c h e d u l e

Y o u r  U s e r n a m e //  Y o u r  r e a l  n a m e ( f i r s t  n a m e ) //
L i n k  t o  y o u r  p r o j e c t  o r  b l o g 

m e d i a  p a r t n e r s

Synthetic Stardoll

5 Kommentare :

  1. my name: humaira my user: hummy2
    blog name: Mainly Modest
    blog link: mainlymodest.blogspot.com
    blog logo: (its my blog banner)

  2. edgeofthpond

  3. I'd like to apply as a media partner.

    Username: ALLYE99
    Name: Jessica
    Blog: theexperiencesd.blogspot.com

  4. Username: SoulGina
    Name: Gina
    Blog: soulofstardoll.blogspot.com
